Our P&C for 2021
President - Billie- Jean Higgison
Vice President - Jodi Rooney
Vice President - Vacant
Treasurer - Laura Morrison
Secretary - Gillian Graf
Uniform Shop Co-ordinator - Vacant
Fundraising Co-ordinator -Gillian Graf
School Banking Co-ordinator - Laura Morrison
Volunteering in the P & C
We look forward to any assistance from parents, carers & grandparents looking to volunteer any of our P & C operations or events.
A key element to a successful event is the valuable contribution each and every parent, carer or grandparent makes.
As part of our role when hosting P & C events we require all parents to undergo a Working with Children's Check and be WWPS P & C verified prior to volunteering at the event. For all parents, carers & Grandparents not working within the children services industry, there is no cost for the check and it lasts for 5 years.
If you haven't already please complete this online application and follow the instructions provided, by NSW Office of the Children's Guardian.
Apply Now
If you have already completed the process set out by the NSW Office of the Children's Guardian, then please provide a copy of your WWCC letter to the School Office with you mobile number